
Saturday, May 1, 2010

Blue Vase: Botanical Series

Blue Vase: Botanical Series is a 23 x 26 collage of both hand dyed and commercial fabrics. It is a combination of techniques from workshops and my own experimentations. It is a "compose as you go", improvisational method. Using only a pair of scissors and a good eye, the central focus of the piece is cut out. In this case, it is the blue vase. After that, you go with what is at hand and develop a composition that seems pleasing. The outcome is unknown at the beginning and goes in a direction undetermined until the end. This is a very great adventure, but can be difficult to quilt. Watersoluble stabilizer is pinned over the piece before it can be machine quilted and heavy quilting can cause thread problems. But I love the final outcome.


  1. Judy this is wonderful. You are really starting to 'paint' with textiles now.
    Fabulous, I love your creative and exploring spirit may it continue to you are well over a hundred!
    best wishes,

  2. What lovely work you do Judy. Love your subtle colour work. Yes ditto above! I think quilters are very, very good with colour. They are also "perfectionists" so every thing they do is first-rate!!
    I'll Blog about fabulous Quilt show we went to.They had the Most Fabulous Morning Tea in aid of Breast Cancer. It was so well done!!

  3. This is a work of art - well done.

  4. Wonderful piece as are all your pieces! what a joy to visit your blog such fabulous creativity and so inspiring. I am now a follower so i can check back often !

  5. Today I discovered your blog: !!! It's fantastic.
    Your quilts are very interesting and very beautiful.
    I always visit this blog
    Google Translate

  6. Beautiful work, lot's of great texture.


Thank you so much for your comments.