
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

January Thaw

January Thaw: Landscape Series. This 24 X 28, Raw Edge Tapestry is the last addition to my explorations of the tapestry technique. After 6 months of applying myself to this process, I now feel that I know it's properties. I have finally conquered the challenges of how to manage the composition and applications to it's best advantage. My conclusion is that the secret to success is through abstract design. In other words, "Keep It Simplified." Forget the details, as they get lost in the texture. And maybe that is the real answer to all future questions on the subject of fiber art. Elements that work well on the smooth surface of a canvas, do not altogether work with fabric. There is a bigger picture here. This is, of course, what the moderns discovered so long ago. Breaking your elements down to the basics of art and design. My next explorations involve the study of color. More of it, and how it works. Should be interesting, don't you think?


  1. i really look forward to these next works Judy. The study of colour will be fascinating I know!

  2. This looks wonderful Judy - interesting to follow your explorations too.

  3. I really like waiting for your posts. This looks a very sedate looking snow scene. Very atmospheric, well done Judy.
    I look forward to seeing your investigations into colour in your net work.
    best wishes,
    jane C

  4. Hi,
    This is a wonderful piece and I couldn't agree with you more with regard to keeping it simple ... it is so much more.
    I am very taken by your work and what the next direction will be!
    Very best wishes,

  5. Judy, this is gorgeous!! I love the unusual shape, too. Creating winter scenes out of fabric is one of my favorite things to do with all of the various shades of pale blues and lavenders you can use for the snow shadows. Great work.

  6. This is definitely in the style of a tapestry. I'm looking forward to seeing the other 2.

  7. Fabulous creations Judy as always ! i also want to say thankyou for taking the time to visit my blog i really appreciate it !

    best wishes

  8. Hi Judy - this is another amazing piece! You are so good at composition. It takes a true artist to produce little quilts like this. Your colour combinations are spot on also. This piece has so much depth to it. Remarkable work.
    x Suzy
    P.S. Am looking forward to your next experiments into colour. Have you started on any of this work yet? or are you going to wait until after the op?

  9. Hi Judy,
    Thank you so much for stopping by my blog again ... Newfoundland is a very different place indeed. Rugged and rough in spots but an unchanged place ...
    Very best,

  10. Beautiful picture but can you tell me a bit more about what you call 'tapestry technique'? I would love to know.
    Best wishes

  11. Hi Judy,
    Thought I would stop by again to see how you are doing and to say hello. I hope that you are having a great week and will have a lovely month of October (Spring for you).
    Best wishes,


Thank you so much for your comments.