
Sunday, May 1, 2011

Ice Age

Ice Age: Cloth, Paper and Stitch. 10 X 14. Did you ever wonder where inspiration comes from? This is often a question that is asked on forms you fill out when entering shows. They want to know what inspired you to create this piece. I always make up something to say, but maybe the bigger question is what inspires creative people? This was inspired by watching a documentary on the Ice Age. But the more interesting thing is, what was going on in my mind while I watched it. The ability to translate abstract thoughts into a visual or written presentation, is what makes you an artist. Like the Ice Age, sometimes your creativity seems to be a frozen wasteland. The ideas are under tons of unmovable weight. Then, a ray of light can cause mountains and valleys to open up. Landscapes begin to appear, and form and color take place. For the first time, I have introduced paper into my process, making this more mixed media than any of my other experiments. Materials used were: Hand dyed and commercial fabrics; brown paper, hand dyed papers and glue; all stitched and glued onto a Decor Bond foundation. It is wrapped around foam board and glued onto a quilted backing. I mounted this piece and put it into a shadow box. Click on image for closer view. First place winner in the Ozark Piecemaker's Quilt Show. 


  1. Ooo Judy, interesting! you are now stitching almost everything- metal next maybe!!!
    I love your thoughts through your work, very true about how inspiration comes around and in the most abstract way or combinations.
    Thank you for sharing and being so supportive to all us artists out here.
    best wishes,
    jane C

  2. Hi Judy
    This is really "stepping out" - congratulations!
    You have achieved something quite fantastic here
    and the combination of mixed media really gives the textural look you were aiming to achieve.
    And well chosen tonings!
    Thank you also for your kind comments on my recent journal!

  3. WOW Judy!! Love how you are "breaking the boundaries" with your work. Beautiful piece.Yes Creativity can be worked at.We are all creative, but it's how to unlock it that's difficult, but once started..well it knows no bounds.You're showing us how!

  4. Judy, I love it! Especially the center blue area of water with all of the underlying layers. Looks like I'm looking into a real river. The different textured pieces definitely work well for this creation. :-)

  5. Hi,
    And this is such a strong piece ... wondeful and I love how it was inspired. The central focal point of blue is very powerful and the rest falls away in a wonderful manner.
    Very powerful!
    And very best wishes,

  6. Hi Judy -- Thank you for your nice comments on my post about getting centered with quilting. I really like the fiber work you're doing and agree with your thoughts on creativity. I think visual (and other) artists do experience life differently from others, running everything we sense through our unique internal prisms.

  7. This is so wonderful Judy ! I love the textures you have going on it is such a visually interesting piece. I envy your eye for such creativity ! thanks for always being so encouraging your a real inspiration to many of us.


Thank you so much for your comments.