
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Line And Movement: Color Series

Line And Movement: Color Study Series 21 X 27. This painted quilt came out of a study about how to use line to bring movement to a composition. But since this is a color study, I will use it as my illustration of how to use value and contrast in color to create depth. Again, I have simplified the shapes and used a very abstract style. I started with a dark brown fabric and drew my composition on paper. This drawing was pinned to the fabric and batting and the sewing machine followed my lines. It became my pencil. After the thread drawing, the paper is torn away and the paint is applied. Adding white, creates different values of color from medium to light. Adding warm against cool color, creates a contrast. Allowing the darkness of the fabric to show through, creates shadow. Dark, medium and light; warm and cool contrasts, create the illusion of  moving forward or backward in a composition. There are other elements at work here such as texture and placement; but I liked this study so well, I decided to frame it. A good overall study of elements and design.


  1. Hello Judy - Thank you for popping lovely words on my blog again. I am wondering how your hand is healing? What a perfect time to sit and let others do the running around for things you cannot at present. Just let your ideas gel in your mind for projects you have conjured up after a great Christmas with your family and a really enjoyable holiday.
    Very best Christmas wishes to you.
    Love Suzy

  2. Hi,
    Thank you for stopping by blog and it is so good to see this last post of yours. I absolutely love this piece ...
    It truly is full of line and movement and my eye just wanted to stay there looking around!
    Very best wishes,

  3. Hi Judy
    Hope all is going well and I love this latest piece. So simple but so full of interest and movement - wonderful.

  4. Judy;
    Thank you for posting on the quiltart list about the free online art course! Much appreciated.


Thank you so much for your comments.